Saturday, 30 April 2016

Evaluation Task 3

Here are the videos taken from our focus group:

Feedback Problems explained:

Feedback Strengths explained:

Ideal target audience:

This is an example of our idea target audience. We want our audience to be at quite a mature age, 16+. The reason for this is because most fans of indie rock music are of this age. The genre is mostly mixed genre and the ages range from 16 to 45. Dave Taylor fits our target audience perfectly as you can see he is about 18 and is a big fan of music, particularly indie/punk rock. It is clear he is a fan of indie music but not just from his liked pages. You can see his hair is slightly brit pop similar to Noel Gallagher and Jake Bugg. In terms of teenage vals, Dave seems like the rebellious type as Arctic Monkey and Royal Blood give off quite a rebellious vibe.  

You can see from his 'Liked Pages' where has a liked pages of 'Arctic Monkeys' and 'Oasis' that it is likely Dave will enjoy music from 'The Walls' as they are a similar band to those and play similar music and convey a similar message of defiance. Further, his profile picture gives a message of rebelliousness which means he may find it easy to relate to 'The Walls'. 

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